Detectors are the heart of any modern experiment in nuclear and particle physics. This course will cover the basic knowledge about particle and radiation interaction with matter, the properties of various detector types, new developments, electronics, data acquisition, and finally some examples of complex experimental setups.

  • NEWS (23 May 2017): The handout (username and pw have been announced in the first lecture):

  • NEWS (April 10, 2017): The course takes place weekly every Thursday between 10:00 and 11:30 in the seminar room of the Institute for Nuclear Physics. Its starts on April 20th.

  • In the Master of Science/Physics program this course counts as an course (2 HPW) with 3 credit points. If the module "Nuclear and Particle physics" is your primary area of specialization, "Physics of detectors" is a core course. If the module "Nuclear and Particle physics" is your secondary area of specialization, "Physics of detectors" is one of the specialized courses offered. This course is recommended by the BCGS (Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy).

Andreas Zilges - Last changes: 23 May 2017 - Page hits since 4/2017: